
A candle lit for peace

By NNA staff

“Courage for peace” is the motto of this year’s Peace Light as it makes its way from the Nativity Grotto in Bethlehem to Europe and other parts of the world.

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British democracy in hot water

By Christian von Arnim, Editor

EDITORIAL | The decision by the British government to suspend parliament in order to prevent it from exercising any meaningful influence on the Brexit process at a crucial time is profoundly anti-democratic.


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Every cloud has a silver lining – the future of Steiner Schools in England

By Sylvie Sklan

ANALYSIS | Many Steiner schools in England have come in for serious criticism of their practices in recent inspections by the schools inspectorate Ofsted. Sylvie Sklan explains the issues.

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NGOs seek to stop the expansion of open net salmon farms in Iceland

By NNA staff

An alliance of NGOs is seeking to stop the expansion of open net salmon farms in the fjords of Iceland which threaten the survival of wild salmon. A petition calling for a ban has so far raised over 137,400 signatures.

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Charitable status of not-for-profits under threat in Germany

By NNA staff

The German federal finance court has deprived the campaigning organisation Attac of its charitable status. The ruling, which could affect the tax status of other NGOs, has been widely criticised.

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Between a dash and a hyphen. How a misplaced mark can cause a whole lot of trouble …

By Matthew Barton

ESSAY | Keeping a soft border on the island of Ireland has been one of the most intractable issues in the Brexit process. Matthew Barton learned the hard way how easily old wounds can be opened up again.

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Rudolf Steiner – the sensation of his day

By NNA correspondent Wolfgang G. Vögele

REVIEW | Rudolf Steiner’s „blockbuster“ lecture tours in 1922 have been documented for the first time in Archivmagazin, including the attack on him by Nazis in Munich. NNA correspondent Wolfgang Vögele couldn’t stop reading.

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Waldorf education movement looks ahead at Leipzig Book Fair

By NNA staff

In its hundredth anniversary year, the Waldorf education movement in events held at the Leipzig Book Fair focused on the way it has developed internationally and on the future.

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Back to the future: “The goal is to get rid of plastic”

By NNA staff

The caterer Vital Speisehaus AG at the Goetheanum is switching over to porcelain. It is getting rid of plastic cups altogether to improve its environmental balance sheet.

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Peace Light from Bethlehem on its way once again this year


The Peace Light is on its way from Bethlehem out into the world once again this year. We at NNA would like to take this opportunity to wish our readers a peaceful and light-filled Christmas and every success in 2019.

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